Working Triathlete Elite Team

Empowering elite triathletes to develop the fitness, discipline, and mindset to compete with the best in the world

We get better together

The Working Triathlete Elite Team is a composed of elite/professional triathletes training together and inspiring one another to be the best they can be. Based out of Nashville, Tennessee, WT Elite harnesses the power of group training, tapping into a fleet of coaches and other health and wellness professionals to equip our athletes in their pursuit of triathlon excellence & deliberate performance execution.

WT Elite have access to in-person coached workouts, an insights-leading performance lab, a nutrition & recovery coach, and a world-class training environment. We are obsessed with intelligently, scientifically, and efficiently enabling athletes to reach their true potential in triathlon.

If you have your elite license and are interested in applying to the elite team, click here. If you are interested in joining the age-group team, click here.

Caroline Kaplan


Hometown: Lexington, KY
Proudest Performance: Overall Famale Champion at 70.3 Ohio, 2023 Long Course Triathlon National Champion
Favorite Workout: Any track workout at all! One I love is "the lumberjack" - 3 x400 hard/400 ez, 10 min tempo, 3x 400 hard/400 ez. Or, loooong run with pace miles sprinkled in. Really anything running; I just love running.
Pre-race meal: simple pasta with marinara sauce, bread, salad. Pre race breakfast- oats with banana, nuts, a little plant-based protein powder. Or, PB on bagel/toast with banana. And, coffee!
Motto: Follow your joy
Most Excited: to move to Nashville and be part of this new team!! To get my pro card hopefully early spring and get better alongside a team of kickass, like-minded people. And, just really go all in, make the most of my potential while inspiring others in and outside of the sport to be great and go for what they want.
Fun but not so fun fact: If I'm solo, I will get lost on almost any route ever. I have zero sense of direction (get it from my Dad) and have made a wrong turn (and passed one finish line) in 3 races. How that’s even possible is a good question. If you could get lost on Zwift, I would.

Miguel Mattox


Hometown: Mill Valley, CA
Notable Performances: WC qualifier as a pro, 3:46 at 70.3 Gulf Coast, 70.3 Florida Champion, 4X National Champion, including 2022 Draft Legal Sprint Tri National Champion & Mixed Relay National Champion
Proudest Performance: NYC Tri (first triathlon ever), finishing 1st in AG (that’s when I knew…)
Favorite Workout: Easy trail runs
Pre-race meal: Big Day Oats
Motto: “It’s just turtles all the way down”
Most excited about: moving to Nashville with my homies!

Todd Suttor


Hometown: New Carlisle, IN
Notable Performances: Multiple-time triathlon champion, 3:49 and top-10 performance in 2nd pro race at 70.3 Michigan.
Proudest Performances: Putting together a strong all-around race at the 2022 70.3 World Champs
Favorite Workout: VO2 workouts on the bike or hitting the mountains for climbing days
Pre-race meal: Pizza or pasta with white sauce and chicken the night before
Motto: How bad do you want it?
Most excited about: Racing USAT Multisport Nationals as my final weekend as an age group athlete, then taking my pro card and lining up with the best in the sport at Boulder 70.3!
Fun Fact: Anthony Didion and I both raced the Laporte Triathlon as our first races, but one year apart!

Mitchell Ott


Hometown: Altamonte Springs, FL
Notable Performances: Second OA at USAT Long Course National Championships, Multiple Time 70.3 AG Champion
Favorite workout: Long rides (especially Century+)
Pre-race meal: Always pizza the night before
Motto: “The best make it look easy”
Most excited about: Making the commitment to triathlon, and taking names

Jenna Haufler

Hometown: Orinda, CA
Notable Performances: 2022 Mixed Relay National Champion, Aquabike National Champion, multiple-time triathlon champion
Proudest Performances: Completeing my first 70.3 in 2013…without training. Proud of myself for not hating the sport afterwards, and I would not recommend.
Favorite Workout: Long outdoor rides with friends (along the CA coast)
Pre-race meal: Big Day Oats
Motto: "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end"
2023 Goals: Moving to Nashville to train hard with friends and teammates

Aaron Groff

Hometown: Cherry Hill, NJ
Favorite workout: Mile repeats at VO2
Proudest endurance racing moment: Scoring in the 10K in front of a home crowd at the 2018 Ivy League championships after not being expected to finish within the top 10
Pre-race dinner: Chicken parm
Quote I live by: I’m already in the best shape of my life after just 4 months of training with Working Triathlete. By continuing to train with consistency and purpose while optimizing “the little things”, I believe I can push my body to a level I never thought to be attainable.

Aimee Marsh

Hometown: Traverse City, MI
Proudest Performance: AG podiums at 70.3 Michigan and Oregon
Favorite Workout: 400s on the track or an easy weekend long run
Pre-race meal: Race morning requires peanut butter and a banana, either on a bagel or in oats. And coffee!
Motto: “Be intentional” and “You will never exceed your highest expectation. You will never exceed your highest, craziest thought”
2023 Goals: I’m really ready to push myself in 2023, go outside my comfort zone, and truly compete. Seeing triathlon as a whole grow in popularity is really awesome and I’m excited be a part of that and on a great team!
Funny first triathlon story: Sprint triathlon in Interlochen, MI. I forgot goggles and had to buy kids goggles at the campground convenience store. I used my dad’s road bike that was two sizes too big and my “race kit” was just running shorts and a tank top. I’m shocked I didn’t drown in my first open water swim/dog paddle.

Alex Leandri

Hometown: Mechanicsburg, PA
Proudest Performance: Finishing first overall at the 2023 USAT Super Sprint National Championships
Favorite Workout: 400s or 800s on the track
Pre-race meal: Coffee (and oatmeal with apples, bananas and cinnamon)
Motto:"If you're not having fun, why are you doing it?" (not to be asked during an extremely hard workout). Runner up: "Any pizza can be a personal pizza if you believe in yourself."
Most excited for: I am ecstatic to hit some big PRs this year in triathlon and running. I'm excited to train with this team and watch WT become an even bigger force to be reckoned with.

Anthony Didion


Hometown: LaPorte, Indiana
Notable Performances: 14:51 5K, 3:52 1500, Mixed Relay National Champion, Multiple Time Triathlon Champion
Proudest Performances: AG win at 70.3 Puerto Rico, Kona Qualification at IM Tulsa
Favorite Workout: K's on the Track or 400's depending on what I am training for
Pre-race meal: carbs, either pasta or pizza
Motto: How fast can you go?
2023 Goals: Work towards executing my perfect race

Connor Callahan


Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
Proudest Performance: 14:53 indoor 5K
Favorite Workout: Michigan Track Workout!
Pre-race meal: Oats mixed with 2-3 eggs, banana (sliced) cinnamon sugar, cooked in a frying pan with a bit of syrup with raspberries and blueberries after with applesauce on the side. (I have a huge sweet tooth)
Motto: You don’t know me son! - David Goggins
Most Excited: For getting and using my pro card and seeing how far I can come with some consistency in tri-specific training. Honestly, I’m just happy to not be alone in the sport of triathlon for the first time and I can’t express how psyched I am to be on a team of such hard workers, especially as the professional sport of triathlon grows in popularity.

Jackson Harrell

Hometown: Novi, MI
Proudest Performance: 2nd Place AG at 2022 USAT National Championships, Collegiate Conference Champion
Favorite Workout: Long run w/ tempo
Pre-race meal: Oats in the AM. Pasta with a caesar salad and garlic bread the night before.
Motto: Don’t be a b*#ch!
Most Excited: For Collegiate Nationals in 2023, and to spectate the PTO US Open in Milwaukee. Beyond this year, I'm excited to try to achieve every goal I set my mind to while doing my best to lead, inspire, and be kind to those around me.

Katie Spoelman-VanAcker

Hometown: Grand Haven, MI
Notable Performance: 1st Overall at Grand Rapids Olympic Tri and numerous gravel racing wins, including first overall at Barry Roubaix
Favorite Workout: Unstructured outdoor riding. I love the opportunity to just explore, share the joy of riding with others on the open road, and couple easy conversational moments with hard extended efforts.
Pre-race meal: Zucchini baked oatmeal with berries & a tiny bit of Greek yogurt pre-race alongside toast & peanut butter
Motto:“I am building a fire. Every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.” - Mia Hamm
Most Excited: For the opportunity to join and be inspired by such an elite group of hardworking individuals while continuing to strive to be the best version of myself in the sport of triathlon.