INSCYD Lactate Testing + Consultation

(Nashville, TN or Cleveland, OH)

What is INCSYD Lactate Testing?

Metabolic profiling via INSCYD results in a full 360 degree physiological performance profile of an athlete. The report includes all the INSCYD metrics like: VO2 Max, VLamax (glycolitic power), anaerobic threshold, fat and carbohydrate combustion, metabolic fingerprint, performance development and individualized training zones based on your unique metabolism and fitness level.

Why are the results helpful?

The INSCYD Performance Test allows us to granularly analyze endurance performance and structure training/racing strategies by creating your complete metabolic performance profile, including the only scientifically validated measurement of glycolytic power (= VLamax) on the market.

Your ability to apply power/pace/effort comprises several physiological factors, including VO2 max, anaerobic threshold, and VLamax. With the INSCYD lactate test, we measure all of these remotely with precise accuracy and develop a metabolic fingerprint that will clearly identify which dimensions of fitness you need to attack to improve. You will know EXACTLY what’s going on under your hood.

what is the protocol?

The lactate testing protocol involves a series of efforts (usually three sub-maximal and one maximal) followed by a measurement of peak lactate concentration. Typical efforts last 4-6 min.

The location of the testing will vary depending on the sport being tested. Feel free to reach out to discuss the best location, such as our lab (indoor trainer or treadmill), at the track, or outdoors on a climb. We will discuss your goals and figure out the best approach to get the most relevant and accurate data.


-Your VO2 max, Vlamax, anaerobic threshold, carbmax, fatmax, and more

-Individual training interventions to improve your fitness

-Appropriate pacing strategies for racing

-Precisely how many grams of carbs and fats you burn at a given intensity

-Your ideal fueling strategy for training and racing. Take the guesswork out of raceday fueling!

-A training intensity zone chart tailored to your unique physiology

*Price includes testing and a follow-up consultation to discuss results and recommended training interventions.

Lactate testing in Nashville, TN powered by INSCYD